

In the first six weeks of Spanish 2 we reviewed how to tell time and reviewed the basic conversational skills for everyday life. We reviewed how to tell time, how to conjugate verbs, and how to introduce ourselves. I created an avatar that represents and introduces me with information about myself. Here is my avatar:

Get a Voki now!

My First Semester Blogging Experience

I enjoy working with my blog. I think i have learned a big difference between blogging and the type of communication used while on facebook or texting. Embedding my work and communicating with others on my blog sounds like a great idea. Blogging could be very benificial in the future because of the number of people that have computers. I would love to make more blogs in the second semester.

Mi Rutina Diaria

  •  I covered vocabulary and grammar structures dealing with my daily routine for getting ready to go places. I have learned what a reflexive verb is in Spanish and how to use these verbs correctly in my writing and during conversations.

  •  I was required to use my avatar from voki to discuss my daily routine for getting ready to go to school. I wrote a script and then submitted a rough draft. My teacher showed me what mistakes i had made but allowed to to correct them myself. After correcting my errors and practicing pronunciation i used my cell phone to call in and record my daily routine script. My avatar was then e-mailed to my teacher and embedded here on my blog. This project counts as my six week test grade.

  •   I enjoyed using voki and my avatar for this project. I thought it was a fun experience. Using my avatar for speaking tests would be great, its a new and fun way to take a test. I hate standing up in front of people cause it makes me really nervous and i usually do horrible while standing in front of people. This project showed me there are so many ways you can learn spanish and use it to show other people.  

Verb Tense Review

In the third six weeks we learned about four different verb tenses. Present tense, present progressive, tener que , and immediate future. Present tense is what somebody does. Present progressive is indicates an ongoing action. Tener que is what you have to do. Immediate future is what is going to happen. I made a stixy board of these different verb tenses and inserted pictures to describe what was happening.

Here is my stixy board: Verb Tense Review